Member news request

Member News Submission Request

This is a request for news about you and yours.  I will publish it in the upcoming printed newsletter to be mailed before Christmas.  I need some news!!  Please answer some or all of the questions (just pick 3) or add news you wish to share.  Feel free to put your news in narrative form.  Story and article submissions are welcome.  I need this just ASAP so don’t procrastinate…Just do it!  Thank you.  Participation is key to a fun club and enabling us all to help each other.  Oh!  Don’t forget your photos!  [email protected]

Name/farm name:


New Horse, retired horse, horse Memorial

Horses for sale

2017 foals

Mares in foal for 2018


Searching for a gaited Morgan

Training practice


Tips and Tricks

Accomplishments lately




Riding Trips

Farm Visits

Personal Health and Family News (babies, deaths, relocation, etc.)