- Two newsletters per year filled with information on gait, bloodlines, training, information on clinics and great places to trail ride.
- Meet other gaited Morgan admirers, get tips on the care and health of your horse and lots more.
- Members can advertise their gaited stock FREE on the GMHO Gaited Morgans for sale and Gaited Morgan Stallions!
All for FREE. Tax deductible donations are greatly appreciated and will be used for production of the newsletter, mailings, and maintaining our website.
You may use your credit card via PayPal or mail your payment at address below and include your name, address, phone number, email and web site if you have one. If you have a Morgan, let us know about it!
There are no membership fees at this time, however, if you wish to make a tax deductible contribution send check or money order to TreasurerRyan Hunter1080 North 100 East American Fork, Utah, 84003
or if you need help email him at Please fill out our Membership application so we have your address and information to share in our network. We will send periodic e-newsletter and an occasional printed Gaited Morgan Magazine GAITED MORGAN HORSE ORGANIZATION Application SecretaryLorrie Gray or mail to Lorrie Gray PO Box 1226 Durant, OK 74702 One Year Membership: FREE |
Paypal(When making a donation with Paypal, please fill out a Membership application and email or mail to Lorrie for our records). Send a donation via PayPal to our treasurer via:
One Year Membership: FREE Treasurer Ryan Hunter