Gait Education, gait analysis

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** Scroll Down for Articles and Links to more gait information**

The Singlefoota broad term used by old time horsemen to describe any gait other than a two beat gait.  A single foot  hits the ground at a time.  MSFHA has adopted the term ‘Single-Foot” as an umbrella term to describe the continuum.

The Square Gaits

The Walk-each leg moves forward separately, no bobbing of the tail, and the head  and neck will be moving up and down naturally with the body is a four even beat pickup and footfall.

Flat Footed Walk or Flat Walk-basically the same as a walk only faster with more intent.

Running Walk-here again, the same footfall as a walk but even faster than the flatfoot walk.

The Lateral Gaits

Pace– both legs on the same side move together at the same time, lifting up and setting down at the exact same time with the head  and neck moving side to side, as well as the tail.

Stepping Pace – very similar to the true pace with the difference being mostly in the footfall where the back sets down just before the front in the same pair of legs.  Tail, head and legs will  move somewhat side to side.

Saddle Rack– here’s another gait where the legs move  forward separately, but the lift off on the same side is close in timing.  The easily spotted sign of a rack is the up and down tail bob of the tail/croup and the head remains  still.

True Rack-Same basic description as the Saddle Rack but can be much faster.  A great gait for getting on down the road quickly.

The Diagonal Gaits

Trot-this is a diagonal gait.  The front left and right rear will move together and the right front and left rear move together, head and neck swing side to side as well as the tail.

Fox Trot-a diagonal gait, meaning for example the right front and left hind move forward at about the same time but the right front hoof will land just before the left hind, same on the other side, and the head, neck and tail have a very distinctive up and down bobbing.

Note: Bear in mind that there can be variations to any of these gaits in the way they are executed.  Factors that affect the gait can be conformation of the horse, frame of horse, speed of horse, saddle, bit, rider, seat position, balance or weight of rider, shoes, condition of the horse, terrain and even nutrition.

Interesting  links about gait

Understanding Gait

Training and Riding Gaited Horses

Tacking Up

Conformation and GaitFRIENDS OF SOUND HORSES  SOUND ADVOCATE MAGAZINE a publication with gaited horse articles and news in the gaited horse industry

November/December 2013 Sound Advocate  
September 2013 Sound Advocate  
July 2013 Sound Advocate  
May 2013 Sound Advocate  
March 2013 Sound Advocate  
January/February 2013 Sound Advocate  
November/December 2012 Sound Advocate  
September/October 2012 Sound Advocate  
July/August 2012 Sound Advocate  
May/June 2012 Sound Advocate  
March/April 2012 Sound Advocate  
January/February 2012 Sound Advocate  
November/December2011 Sound Advocate  
September/October2011 Sound Advocate  
July/August2011 Sound Advocate  
May/June2011 Sound Advocate  
April/March 2011 Sound Advocate  
January/February 2011 Sound Advocate  
November/December 2010 Sound Advocate  
September/October 2010 Sound Advocate  
July/August 2010 Sound Advocate  
May/June 2010 Sound Advocate  
March/April 2010 Sound Advocate  
January 2010 Sound Advocate  
November/December 2009 Sound Advocate  
September/October 2009 Sound Advocate  
July/August 2009 Sound Advocate  
May/June 2009 Sound Advocate  
March/April 2009 Sound Advocate  
January/February 2009 Sound Advocate  
November/December 2008 Sound Advocate  
September/October 2008 Sound Advocate  
July/August 2008 Sound Advocate  
May 2008 Sound Advocate  
March/April 2008 Sound Advocate  
January 2008 Sound Advocate

If you know of a link to a great video on gaited horses, send us the link!